After discussing replacing a fire escape that didn’t meet code, the customer, whom I did not recognize, asked “Can you make a cylinder?” “Sure,” I replied. “Out of stainless steel?” he questioned.
After a bit more discussion I showed him a stainless pot we had made that had never been claimed by the person who ordered it, hoping I might finally be able to gain some income from the work we had long ago completed.
“No. Bigger,” he explained.
And that’s how Ken Hebb and I started the discussion about fabricating the equipment for the brewery he was planning in the summer of 2012. The cylinders were actually 11 tanks, 10 to 15 feet tall, capable of holding about 1000 gallons of beer in various stages of production. And most of them had a heating or cooling jacket and insulation to regulate the temperature of its contents.
It took over a year to complete the 11 tanks for St. Lawrence Brewing. You can see tons (literally) of stainless plate transform into beautiful brewing equipment on this page in just minutes.
The bottom cone of the hot liquor tank is where it all started
The cone is bent and attached to the first tubular section
Legs have been added to the base.
We added an internal calandria to the brew kettle to increase heat transfer and improve circulation during brewing.
The top and bottom sections have been connected.
There are two cones with a small gap between them to form a steam jacket.
The hot liquor tank is about 13ft x 4.5ft diameter. It was built primarily laying horizontally on rollers.
I had this inside view for many hours. Folks were entertained by seeing me exit through that 16″ hole.
The outer skin is being fitted, which will cover the insulation after it is installed.
The mash tun is in the foreground and the hot liquor tank and brew kettle are standing behind it.
The brew house tanks near completion, awaiting insulation.
The brew kettle after being sprayed with insulation.
Here are a few pictures of the completed tanks:

Chris is tig welding the hatch in the mash tun.
The brew house. From left; hot liquor tank, brew kettle/ whirlpool combination, mash tun.
The paddle in the mash tun mixes the barley and water.
Stainless tanks at St.Lawrence Brewing
The brew house. From left; hot liquor tank, brew kettle/ whirlpool combination, mash tun